Gardeners By The Sea ~ Bethany Beach, Delaware
Just a quick note to say "thank you" for supporting these website guidelines. Your cooperation helps to assure that accurate and relevant information is provided to website visitors in a visually appealing manner. The purpose of these seven guidelines is to maintain consistency in the format, whether a website visitor is looking at a website page or a linked document.
Christine Feher, Website Chair
1. FONT: Use a non-serif font such as arial, avenir, cambria, or helvetica; font size 11; BLACK font only.
2. LINKS: Provide the full URL, regardless of how long or short it may be. The website committee may opt to display an abbreviated link, but anyone who clicks on the abbreviated link will be connected to the full link. Links may be displayed in a blue font with underline or as a button, at the discretion of the committee.
3. FORMAT: Submit your document in the format that it was created -- MSWord or Excel (Pages or Numbers if you're using an Apple device) -- NOT pdf. Any documents linked to the website will be converted to PDF by the committee after the logo is added at the top.
4. LISTS/FORMS: Prepare lists or forms using a table format in MSWord or Excel (Pages or Numbers if you're using an Apple device) -- Please maintain a left margin in each column!
5. IMAGES: Images must be submitted in jpeg format and attribution must be provided. EXCEPTIONS: Fliers promoting a GBTS event may use clip art or photo images, text may be centered, a non-serif font should be used for important information, and the title of the event may be in any font/color.
6. LOGO: Don’t worry about that. it will be added by the committee before your document is posted.
7. LAST STEP: Submit your document as an email attachment to Christine Feher. Include the name, phone number and email address for author or preparer of the document, the date for posting, and any questions or specific instructions. Any document that does not comply with these guidelines may or may not be posted as an attachment to the website "as-is" -- at the discretion of the committee.Nothing beats communication, when it comes to resolving concerns or questions. Please email your questions to Christine Feher, being sure to include GBTS Website in the subject line. This also helps us maintain an accurate record of communication that is website-specific. Last but not least, please contact me if you would like to participate on this committee. No website experience is necessary but solid word-processing skills are required. Updated September 25, 2023