GBTS Committee Descriptions
Members of Gardeners by the Sea embrace the opportunity to serve our community through activities that benefit local residents, other organizations and our club. On any given day, our members may be found conducting activities for local youth or senior residents, supporting the efforts of other community organizations, or educating ourselves and others in matters of gardening, conservation and floral design.
Leadership for these activities is provided by several committees:
AWARDS Responsible for the investigation and research to ascertain if any of the club activities merit recognition and/or monetary rewards from the State, Regional or National clubs or any other organization. Responsible for submitting applications for all awards identified.
COMMUNITY PROJECTS Responsible for identifying, coordinating, and implementing beautification and community service activities.
HISTORIAN Responsible for keeping a scrapbook of any newspaper articles, photos, etc. pertaining to the Club, keeping a copy of each year’s yearbook, and keeping an historical record of all events of the Club.
HORTICULTURE MOMENT Responsible for coordinating the presentation of gardening and plant tips to the general membership at the monthly meetings.
HOSPITALITY Responsible for organizing and replenishing supplies (beverages, paper goods and cutlery are provided by the club), coordinating the lunch theme and menu, hostesses and flower arrangements for each meeting.
MEMBERSHIP Responsible for enlisting new members with distribution of the annual yearbook to the same. Provide mentorship for new members. Maintain membership applications and wait list. See that each member has a name tag (magnetic/paper/pin). Monitor members’ attendance by hosting the Welcome Table at each meeting. Coordinate committee listings to ensure members meet the bylaw requirements for each and notify the board of any violations. Maintain a telephone tree for use in urgent notifications. Keep a file of publicity waivers from each member (both active and associate). Host a yearly New Member Reception.
NOMINATING Appointed by the President, responsible for recruiting and preparing a list of candidates for club offices’ biennial election.
PROGRAMS Vice President is responsible for planning and organizing meeting presentations, confirming and following up with speakers and/or demonstrators prior to actual program.
PUBLICITY Responsible for internal and external communications that promote GBTS news and events by writing and distributing press releases, creating and distributing fliers in a timely manner, and submitting an article quarterly for the DFGC. Serves as the club focal point for uploading information to our GBTS page on Facebook.
WAYS AND MEANS Responsible for identifying, coordinating, and implementing projects, trips, and events that will raise funds for the club.
WEBSITE Responsible for maintaining and updating the club website.
YEARBOOK Responsible for producing a yearly publication highlighting monthly program information and club activities; membership and committee details; and DFGC, CAR-SGC and NGC contact information.